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dropthedyle - du rahrout sur mon chiteurt


melancholic linear track inspired by a dislexic breakfast. previously in icz where i said i'll put more drums and glicht stuff... eeuhh... after all i had no inspiration with drums for that one but with field elements and clibidips samples... so yes it maybe needs beat working...





edith [be] - 18 years ago

enjoyed it very much ... plenty of emotion , great atmosphere

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

a little predictable music but it's beautifully composed i would say

But we can guess every step of the song...

Maybe you could think of making a up or down melody every 4 repeats to change it a bit cuz i hear 40 times the same melody in the song it gets a little boring...

I love the musical effects you've added... the children playing in the background... the song really touches me...

Sure it need more beat working yes

Really if you play around a bit with the mi fa si do melody you could make this an excellent track !

I really liked the track...

But you could work on it more !

I actually imagina a part around 4 mins where drums come in hard and you have like & few minutes of nice calm joyful melancholic sequence, but that's my taste i guess :)

Thump up ! keep working on it !

dropthedyle [be] - 18 years ago

predictibility... that's right, i think that's what i'd like to say with "linear" in the description. melodic construction is definitly an area of personnal progress ;o)

but in the equilibrium between variation vs repetitiveness, i'm the kind of listener able to be scotched to a mantra or pure sines binaural beats for hours...

anyway, i confess, i'm often lazy with melodic variation... behaviour change need for perfectible melodies...

thanks for your positive and constructing comments camarades!

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

but its really great i want to say it again :)
i'm even thinking of making a mi fa si do song myself !

theMinibot [be] - 17 years ago

c super bo,ca rend a fond melancolik,c vraiment super bo ;)

Doorchaser [be] - 17 years ago

Nice ambience and I like the hypnotic floating of the melody. It feels a bit like Biosphere's work! It's great ambient!

david [be] - 17 years ago

Very emotional and touching stuff.
Both warm and cold.
It does speak to anyone who's ever been a child ;-)
The whole melancholy brings me back to Cure's trilogy (especially Faith & Seventeen Seconds)
Very cinematographic stuff, only it doesn't need the images. They're all in there already.
Thanx & greetz.
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