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JabbaAndFollox - Boo Fuckin Hoo
Our first song on e-bel, its totally no breakcore (its more like digital hardcore) but we didnt know where to put it. We just started to mess a bit with music and we would like to her some feedback. Hope you enjoy the track!!!Suggestions
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Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
I like it
fcking hard
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
just here and there some eq I think...
good one...
ELFENKOMMANDO [be] - 18 years ago
big up
ATR should keep their eyes open ... you guyz rock 1000x harder ...
JabbaAndFollox [be] - 18 years ago
based [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
de jacobs heeft ookwel een fijne inbreng hebbek van hore zegge... laat die jonge maar valle zeu, geeft 0 meerwaarde aan uwe sound...
néé, nu serjeus: naar mn eige mening mag der wa meer ge'experimenteerd worde, ma tzit wel al lekker vet hoor, da zeker.
Roelosaurus [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago