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JordanWaeles - Trance Mutation Anthem


This is my latest correct trance track, i hope you will enjoy it, i would like to get loads and loads of comments, please, but i know you all rarely do comment a track... So ... mmmh ... pleaaaaaaaaaaaase ... comment iiit... ok... i 've tried...

This track was also posted in the Subtraxx.com forum, in order to get reviewed by trance professionnals. It was also posted to bonzain music as a demo... I hope i'll get news about it... ( that's what we usually call a dream ;) )





ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

(commenting whilst listening)
Cool sound effect for the opening :)
Quality sound, a bit of dissonance in the melody .. not too obvious, could leave it like that :) only heard it once...
mmh, tension building up to 2:20 is nice; though you should add something in the beat to emphasize the energy change :) maybe add a snare or some hihats for the drop :)
Melody is really nice, (3:20);

Ok this is your best track yet. Very very very good. I like it ...
Should add some female vocals on it .. just a whisper and not too often, just to give it that mood :)

Ish [be] - 21 years ago

Welcome to the world of trance FlashyJ, very progressive -> stay there, you're going to be big ...

ELfrigo [be] - 21 years ago

All of the above. One point I'd liked to see changed: give the hihats more room, I can barely hear them. It would give an even better result I think. But this track is one of the best here.

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

*trances about the room*

:heavy: jieaaaah :heavy: