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bassmonk - Godus


a track I made about two years ago, fits best in idm-departement imo, shoot'ncomment, it's a liverecorded 'n adjusted version..





icteder [be] - 18 years ago

cool rythmic playing but i feel that the rythmic part has to come more in front more sharp, more contrast maybe .but the feelings in there rock.very unheimlich

bassmonk [be] - 18 years ago

thx! I'll work on the things u suggested, for now the track is an 8track-pattern on the groovebox, I'd love to figure out a softwareprogram to arrange and master everything in detail...cheers!

icteder [be] - 18 years ago

you might just consider to put some fx on the beat like a bitcrusher or something.the sound is a little to clean

agathokless [be] - 18 years ago

nice goin'
keep it up man, a lot bether then the previous one i listened to, imho
(but then, that's only a mather of personal taste in used sounds, so ...)