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lost - fast darkness (2 fast version)




Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

good idea in this track, but I think you should eq some more, the frequencies tend to overlap, and then it becomes crowdy, if u place them soundz differently in the spectrum ( I sound like a schoolteacher now, sorry for that :-) )
it would clear up I guess...
Like it ...

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

moi matthias je dis : poooodelisons la planete soft core

a dark shit brown sound 'll put them all aside our groupuscule;)

sinon ce morceau .... c'est du kris ... bcp de sons pas asssez de sobrieté si je peux me permetre...


Falcon030 [be] - 17 years ago

nice composition but its missing some influences of other band members !

Falcon030 [be] - 17 years ago

you are used to play with the real synth stuff ! a can hear it in the feelings of the music !

zodax [be] - 16 years ago

tu sais que je suis plutôt baroque hein matt
more is less ;\

distreality, appreciate your comments in general

falcon, i'm alone in the band!
and yes i play live when i'm not behind my computer ;)
