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HarryPoppins - Mate with me
im not gonna reveal you my entire life, but i made this song for my previous girlfriend a long time ago, i was sad, and i made her a sad lovesong or something like that.. ahanu komt het
i really like this track a lot, and i allways play it as an intro for my lives. it involves flowers and rain and empty cans of beer, and 22 hours nonstop work and so on, woow
so, i guess this 1min 45 song, is woow, the best song i ever made.. short but effective
(harry lay of the beers!)
wow im pretty full of myself
but, hey!?
goodnight everyone
and dont forget! allways take yer umbrella when it rains he! otherwise you'll get wet and so, harry's advice of the night is;
1. the umbrella thingy
2. "short songs" and "long descriptions" match well, cuz it gives you the time to read it, patiently, while listening at least TWice, to the same song (cuz the comment is really long), which enhances the chance of a place on ebel's top 5.. yeah yeah, i know all about this site
3. lay of the beer
4. never trust Eur^eê^eka
5. allways turn of yer pc, when yer riilly tired and writing crap on silly songs
HarryPoppins top 5:
Funktronix -
~ Smopkalitei ~ -
~ Opacity ~ (O7mix) -
twisted whiskers -
140 Fullpacked pure fruity pleasure
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BAMBAMBAM [be] - 18 years ago
great ^^
bogdan soundalike but better than that dude !!!
seems like there's that delicious: "drunk harry" touch i luv soo much ghehe ;)
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brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago
great pleasure to listen this track!!!
mmmmh ;)
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too bad i dont have the files of this song anymore.. it will never be more then this..
but thanx woow cool :))
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Short, soft and... good! :-)
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funny and a bit disturbing and the same time..
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PierrotheMoon [fr] - 16 years ago
What mes oreilles me font eun'drôl de sensation !!
Thanx so much tonton Harry!!!!
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