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theMinibot - le menestrel
Description's a song for the menestrel in the garage of the castel...Suggestions
theMinibot top 5:
les pastas della mama(final) -
startruc plouc generation(episode4-part1) -
le menestrel -
ses gros nichons -
sale putte
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DrGonzo [be] - 18 years ago
only thing : you could maybe put the tempo on in one moment...
hola quequette mnt en francais ;)
j adore trop ta chanson et je veux ce synté que t utilises ds ce track :)
le seul truc que tu pourrais faire c est de augmenter le tempo au fur a mesure que la chanson avance ca pourrait donner trop bien :)
yéééééé a poil ptit cris ;)
calbut powaaaaa
Erophin [be] - 18 years ago
Al die willen te kap'ren varen moeten mannen met baarden zijn.
Jan, Piet, Joris en Korneel, die hebben baarden, die hebben baarden.
Jan, Piet, Joris en Korneel die hebben baarden, zij varen mee!
Translation; all those who want to sail to kapren, have to be men with beards, men with beards ... Jean piet joris and korneel have beards, so they sail away!!!
heheh i like the sound of that song man..translation in français..
Tout ceux qui veulent naviré envers kapron.. doivent etre des hommes avec de barbes..doivent etre des hommes avec des barbes!!!
Jean ,pierre, jorian et kornoi ils ont des barbes, ils ont des barbes!! Jean ,pierre, jorian et kornoi, ils ont des barbes ils navireront ensemble ...
nice song ..gots the groove!! + fav
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
mais sinon je savais pas que c'etais une chanson de marrin,je pensais plutota une chanson de menestrel du chateau ^^
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
mais sinon je savais pas que c'etais une chanson de marrin,je pensais plutota une chanson de menestrel du chateau ^^
lol and no, meme not of midday:) it St a piece that I on one had synthé when I etaispetit, you know, had you always demosur the ptit synthé for goss and me jm' etais amused has to reproduce this piece by noting sign on the key for step to forget the melody, lol and veiled Ca is revnue has the spirit to me and I have to redraw all the structure(je still had it in memory, hehe) but if not I did not know that it etais a song of marrin, I thought plutota a song of menestrel of the castle ^^
brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago
Erophin [be] - 18 years ago
nop, not even a midi-file. its a song i played on a little synth when i was a youngster. i amused my self reproducing this song, by puting signs on the key's, so i wont forget the melody. It just came back in my mind, so i just redraw the structure. I didn't know that it is a SAILORS song, i thought it was more like a menestrel castle song ( je connais po le nom en anglais pour minestrel)
hehehe celui la je veut entendre en live un jour..
ps. brandtkalk je suis casi sur que c'est un chanson hollandais plutot.
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
tu sera le traducteur officiel de minibot ;p
Erophin [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
calbut powa ^^
edith [be] - 18 years ago
love ur profilepic too
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
mais non ce n'est pas en 6temp,du tout du tout,koi on dirai?!?
t.raumschmier(un d plus connu) c du 6temp ma grande ;)
et ben non,mais j'ai fais un truc bizar avec le kick pour que ca aille plus d'impact,plus de punch et par la meme que ca soit plus lo-fi
scrap translation for the puriste... :p
hehe, no one will not linchera you today :p
but no this not in 6temp,one would say hein!?! :D and ben no, but i have make a trick bizar with the kick so that this goes more impact,more punch and consequently that this is more lo-fi
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
non mais pourquoi tant de vulgaritée dit,
on y peut rien moi et ma copine si tu as un minou d'asiatique :p
nous on prend notre pied comme ca et ca nous éclate un max tu sais :D VIVE LA NES MASTURBATION,lol
pour que tu ne sois plus frustrée j'ai une idée,tu pourrais essayer avac la manette deja,nous on a commencé comme ca et les manette de superNes sont plus agreable parceque sans coin.
si tu veux on va boire un verre et on t'apprendra comment faire avec ma copine(lol)
ah oui et sinon si t'as l'occaze aussi,essaye les dual choc,ca c geeenial quoi,looooooooool ;)
rescrappy translation for the puriste,hehe...(vous avez vu hein j'ai fais un effort les mec :p )
What!?!?!? you want to put your nintendo in your cat?!?!?! but which sadist, make gaf hein,because me i am a large defender of the cats and she-cats :p
no but why such an amount of vulgar known as,
one can nothing there me and my girlfriend if you have Asian pussy :p
us one takes our foot like Ca and Ca bursts us a max you know :D NES MASTURBATION RULE,lol
so that you would not be frustrated any more i have an idea,
you could already test avac the lever, one began us like this and the lever of superNes is more pleasant because without corner.
if you want one will drink glass and one will learn how to make with my girlfriend (lol)
ah yes and if not also have l'occaze, tests the dual shock, that is super geeenial,looooooooool
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
thx for your owl(lol,chouette-->hibou :p )comment,it's funny ;)
gozno [be] - 18 years ago
pussy veut dire la meme chose que chatte dans les deux sens :)
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
lol,i had not seen, but I know well, i have right past the text in the lycos translator, hehe ;)
rf061992 [be] - 18 years ago
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
english : bla bla bla...shame on me and on my kids and the kids of my kids!!
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
anglish : hummm i don't masturbate, me! I, maybe,........... oohoho i don't want to think about a translation! lol sorry!
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
nous aussi on se satisfait l'un l'autre
pub(temoin interrogé):d'ailleur moi j'ai jamais connu une filles plus exitante qu'elle,elle bouge elle crie,elle...enfin,comme une folle c genial :p mais on ajoute du piment dans notre relation avec la NESMASTURBATION(oui parce que on en a jamais assé)lol
tu dois etre platonnik comme fille dit,ca doit pas etre drole tout les jour pour ton copain,le povre ;p
bon,on t'offre des cours gratuit,formation en nesmasturbation + formation accelerée de super cochone :p lol
pub:devenez des super cochons en 3jour,minibot enterprise,la societe qui vous donne du plaiiisir :p
verry verry verry tres tres scrappy translation with...euh,translator inconnuted (lol)
oh be null,
us also one is satisfied one the other
pub(temoin interrogé):d' aillor me I ever knew girls more exitente that it, it moves it crie,elle... enfin,comme insane it's genial :p but one adds pepper in our relation with NESMASTURBATION(yes,because one never has assé)lol
of it you must be platonnik like girl said, Ca should not be drole every day for your buddy, the povre ;p
good, one offers free courses, formation in nesmasturbation to you + accelered formation of super bitch :p lol
pub:devenez a super bitch in 3days, minibot enterprise, the company which gives you to plaiiisir :p
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
dittes moi des choses sur mon morceau une fois,dites donc la oh :p
hehe thank you Mr. rf61992,
i do not see qu on does not speak any more about my picture here, lol
dittes me of the things on my track once, known as thus eh oh :p
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
english please:
it's true that i'm platonic. i'm waiting for my wedding and kiss (por real, on the mouth !) my boyfriend, hold his hand andmaybe, at my 3rd wedding, i'll follow ur super-horny curse. i note!
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
congratulation for ur second place on this chiptune-ebel-hit
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
fallais pas dire ca,mon plan il est tombé a l'eau :p
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
je sais je suis le meilleur,j'ai meme depasser le shit contest le moin shit contesté qui est pas vraiment chiptune et qui est...paardon,etais 2eme au classement CHIPTUNE,je suis trop une bete,looool
thank you thank you you etres magnanime :p
I know I am the best, I have same depasseert the shit contest the disputed moin shit which is not really chiptune and which is... paardon,etais 2nd with classification CHIPTUNE, I am too a bete, looool
xitrum [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
voila je crois que j'ai tout dis...
merci merci oui merci
loooool :p
then I will want all dabord to thank incredulitée for the people in his eternel attitude prophane:p like my expensive and tender femme(que you voyer in high A right, lol) which has to support these interminable hours in front of my PC without pretter attention with it and by leaving it only with its desespoire, occupied of Nes masturbationnée all alone while finishing for the 15689fois zelda(lol) and also and of course with my mom who... which fout royalement(non it is not true dabord ^^), my cat, my neighbor, the mechanic, the controllor of the train Liege Brussels, the bookseller, the police officer of cartier, Mr. the bourgemestre, it its money gracefully offered, the bibliothequaire, the unknown beauty which me ace make... to oh espereque shit I my wife will not read Ca... veiled I believe that I have all say...
thank you thank you yes thank you
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
(minibot en pleine crise de depressurisation...)
Erophin [be] - 18 years ago
theMinibot [be] - 18 years ago
Tomastar [be] - 17 years ago
qb84 [be] - 17 years ago
Hi all, I love this song Minibot, if anyone seeks the original song, it's a traditional english song
Ehoax [be] - 17 years ago
Mikerowave [be] - 17 years ago