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JNlocusts - ZOFBEATZ - Untitled


For those who have noticed , the previous Zofbeatz (21) has been out now ! , and Track 11 is a Track Produced By Zof himself , and us , The Smokey brotherz , this is the upcoming new Track so Enjoy This !!





Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

oohlala not bad, liked it. Pounding shit! Okay soooo commercial but I don't give a fuck, I liked it.

Mixtacy [be] - 18 years ago

It is commercial idd, but you hear this is pro :p

yuu de balle

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

This song is great! The second melody is fantastic. I only wonder why you compressed it (-> 0.6 MB))