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djkardech - insomnia(krdchrmx)demo




ZARk [be] - 20 years ago

1/ You should try to put your description in ENGLISH
2/ This really should be in the ICZ
3/ This track sounds like all your others, but with a different melody

making music is much harder than downloading a midi file, quantizing it then adding a beat on it.

don't over-amp your beat, thats pointless except making everything saturate ..

I'm guessing your leaning to make music .. You really should set yourself a goal, like taking a famous song you like and try to remake it (without midi file), take notes of the structure, the way melody evolves and changes, the way beats are made, etc....
You won't end up with the same song, that's for sure, and you will have learned a lot by doing like that ...

Dezma [be] - 20 years ago

This is one of the moments you'd wish you were deaf.
Even a total newbie knows there are more elements in a song than 4 (beat, snare, crash and melody)

Elfish [be] - 20 years ago

not my style, ( i think that is nobodies style). He has got a lot to learn and he's just 16. But who am i to give him advice? i'm just 15.

I'm wondering how the song get so many good votes... can an artist vote his own songs?

spootnick [be] - 20 years ago

man dees lied stinkt! There are no words for these sounds, but there's a sound for the words i'd like to use: your music.
don't worry, keep trying...

Rude [be] - 20 years ago

Titel was veelbelovend,
de rest weet ik ni zo goed, de beat was goed, fx ook, ma de rest...
Greetz, Rude

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Véél te kort

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

en Goan