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ELFENKOMMANDO - koursirwkie




HarryPoppins [be] - 18 years ago

wa ne kak ;)
tof, ma.. ja ge weet wel
cool vocals btw

IntergalactikPu [be] - 18 years ago

No klimax! but indus sounds very nice!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

nice distorted sounds, me like...
very open mix also imo... great...

you just motivated me to upload a track where I was foolin around with 'gabber like ' things..
In fact not my style hardcore, but when it's done industrial - stylee, like this, then I can dig it...

Big Up!!

RoachBugincan [be] - 18 years ago

indus very nice idd

kino [be] - 18 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

you sed you where foolin around but ist nice,verry nice