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hoffman - bratisla groove
yeah a groovy one. A detroit-techno, punchy with a little bit of minimal spiritEdit : i totally remake stereo and mastering !
edit2 : make the bpm to 138 and correct the pitch bass, kickdrum, etc
hoffman top 5:
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cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
well its disturbin,i quit like the melo,nasty,reminds me a bit of the advent,but unfortunatly ya kept it slow,and the drums arent quit suitin
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
stryder [be] - 18 years ago
you could practically get away with anything with a name like that ^^
i don't really like it very much (especially added for 'cestqui')
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
and man,just make this bastard faster,cause it let me hear all these silly mestakes,lol
make it around138bpm(at least)
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
indeed i need monitors, i think the changes are not serious to do but with old hifi the volumes of trebles, bass etc suck, and ok for the 2 kick.
cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
so if i dont mension kickdrum timin,there's no problem with the kickdrumtiming;
i'm talkin about pitch,ya can have 2 kickdrums,only make them melt in 1,through pitchin in rhe same tone;
ask yourselve,am i an alien ,that thinks through soundwaves?how i possebly hear 2 kickdrums?
simple reason cause there's 1 out of pitch,dont search to far;
and please take my advice,make this song at 138bpm ,at least,it will sound more natural,and the kickdrum wont be noticed that fast;
just try it,if it doese'nt work out,send me the bill,lol
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
thx for all man
djsennahoj [be] - 18 years ago
I like the track. Keep on going!!!
djsennahoj [be] - 18 years ago
cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
hahahah,is this made with what,reason?
you just pitched eveything with it,it sounds like a cartoon on acid(the drug,your middlename)
no really man,i find it funny,you just did what i said,and thought thats that,cant ya listen and judge for yourselves;its crap;
now i'm going to explain what happened,you pitched the track like a dj would do,may be i dide'nt say it,cause i thougth you knew...
never heared of timestretching,and oposite to that,pitch correction,you all know dr rex player,well,its the only thing in reason wich does the same;
now technical;pith coorection,allows you to corect the pitch without speedin it up,it keeps the same speed,to prevent cartoons on acid(just beeing funny)
timestretch does the oposite,it keeps your pitch,only it exelerates the speed,or slows it down,which ables you to loop on 1 millisec acurate,which is not available in reason;'it does in sx)
so next time,if i say,your track needs more bpm,its the boem boem,that needs to go faster,not the music that goes pieperepiep
and listen to the advent,dont think you came even close,i just heared them in it for a few moments(past version)
but this was a waste of your time,just roll back to the last version,or whatever
and sorry if i cant tell it all at once,it was with good ententions,cheers
rantferox [be] - 18 years ago
i dont like it at all
the first chord is horrible, and its sound is awful. but i listeneded to other versions and i have to say this one sounds better. but i just hate your track, sorry man. no groove, no funk... sorry to be so harsch.
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
djsennahoj: thx for help and for advices ;)
Cestqui : indeed, i work on cubase sx 3, and in fact, i saw what you tell about time stretching yesterday (lol really). I never tried reason. In the future i will use this, i see the time warp also, this tool can be usefull. You are absolutely right when you say that i pitch like a dj. I have take a bad way. But in final the total amount of errors create the expérience. :)
rantferox : no problem man ;)
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
hoffman [be] - 18 years ago
cestqui [be] - 18 years ago
1st ram !issues
2nd latency drops in it,and the sound to the mixer is fuked up,i cant explain in detail,but its my experience that makes me believe that
i always say,other and better,cheers