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Rabauw - Now We Fall (feat. kaoz)


The basic version was finished a few months ago, but since it’s a rather calm song I felt it would benefit a lot from clean vocals instead of my usual rough voice. So I asked kaoz if he wanted to sing on this one. I sent him the first version for which I did all vocals myself, just as a guideline of how I more or less wanted things to turn out, but told him he was free to interpret the song in his very own way. I’m very happy with the result, I think he did a great job. After he sent me his files, I started working on the final version. The structure remained the same, but I added several elements to spice it up.
So here’s the final, mastered version with both of us on vocals.
Many thanks to kaoz for his excellent collaboration!

A dreamy rocksong with a few calmer parts, I guess it takes more than once to learn to appreciate it, but I’ll hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Your opinion highly appreciated!

[b]Update December 7th, 2006:[/b] Okay, so reworked some things a bit, some of your tips were useful.


Now We Fall
(music & lyrics: Rabauw)
(vocals: kaoz & Rabauw)

Lie down on earth’s soil under an overcast sky
All alone, nothing can harm you
The air doesn’t smell like it used to smell
The grass ain’t as green as it used to be

Well it must be the end of life as we know it
Yeah we must be on our way
To something deeper and more profound
We can feel it deep within
How else to explain the change of the seasons?
Eruptions all abound
The eye of the storm shatters us all
Oh we have risen, and now we will fall

Oh we have tried to survive and become larger than life
We have built these walls to protect us
From the dangers we collide with every day and every night
We are but tiny little worms as the flood rages by

The air doesn’t smell like it used to smell
The grass ain’t as green as it used to be
All that we are is but puppets on a string


Rabauw top 5:




    Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

    nicely done !!!

    thumb up

    bigbenbullet [be] - 18 years ago

    gothic all the way

    verrrrrry good


    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Thanks a lot!

    It is possible that a few tiny changes will still be made, I thought everything was right but maybe in all of my excitement (I really fell in love with the song) I overlooked a few things which still need some adjustment. Kaoz already mentioned a few things through pm and since he did such a great job and all this effort, I think it's only fair to at least consider his suggestions - same goes for everyone else of course, all constructive feedback appreciated!

    Falcon030 [be] - 18 years ago

    drums sounds misfitted with the song !

    think on the efx you use for the drums ?
    for te rest is 100% ok and feel alife song right from the heart !
    my mixers is on 100 %volume but its not blowing !
    i mean itvoor the compressions on the drums !
    real good job dunn guys !

    also for Kaoz voice !

    greets from falcon030

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Thanks Falcon, you're completely right, it does come right from the heart!

    As for the drums, hmm, maybe you're right, but in 2.5 this was - for me personally - the drumsound which I liked the most for a rocksong. I still have to explore a lot of things in 3.0 so maybe I'll find a better drumsound and drum mastering one day...

    thanks for your advice!

    yenneman [be] - 18 years ago

    I'd use the part from "Well it must be..." 'till "...and now we will fall" as chorus, and let it return in the end. I kind of expected that part to return, but it didn't, and I regret that because it's sooo good!
    The whole takes a few listens to get into (as you mentioned yourself), but then it unfolds it's beauty...just, please, let the aformentioned part return at the end.

    crolerbedo [be] - 18 years ago

    yeaaaaah Rababababauuuuuw, THAT is really something i love, though some little sounds are a bit too...well..i'd say "girly" you know..little flowers in the fields..."la petite maison de la prairie"...but seeing and listening to the lyrics, i'd see a more "guitar-based" song...also agreeing with falcon, the drum is too acoustic imo, a little "bounding" kick and soft electrosnares would make it cool....
    But as i said, it's an awesome point of wiew you show us there, consciousness (note sure for the spelling :))), clarity of vision...i guess you have a happy-musical vision...(i may explain this on 12th october;))

    reaman [be] - 18 years ago

    i really like the main melody (as well with distorted as with "classic" guitars)

    i liked it generally but after the "now we fall"part i missed a heavier part or some other instrumentalisation to emphasize it- you know what i mean? it's a bit empty there but apart from that... nice collab!

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    thanks for encouraging criticism pals!
    Well, Yen, I'll have to disappoint you... :s That part is not gonna return at the end, for 2 reasons:
    1) I feel it would kind of ruin the "story/development" based concept it has now
    and 2) the song is already building towards a climax, I'm not gonna repeat something just because it sounds good alone, it has to make sense in the song structure too. But you can always try to convince me I'm wrong :p

    @ Crocodile-bedo: Probably the clavecimbel and the clarinet which you call "girly" huh? What you say about "little flowers in the fields" comes close to the actual lyrics topic, but it's not really a "happy/positive" message
    But it's nice to read you enjoyed the lyrics.

    @reaman: well it was a deliberate choice to leave out any heavy parts, since the purpose was to make a rather calm song. I'll see whether I can add some things to make it less empty without going all too heavy.

    Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

    Its interesting, kinda wierd vocal, music layout at some parts but i think u get used to it :p

    I'm preparing a metal track that will be uploaded soon :D So you can see some of my taste :)

    kaoz [be] - 18 years ago

    maybe a tip for the clarinet: use an LFO on it, a bit shaky (somewhere between 76 and 98, or experiment...) and give it a delay (the LFO that is). it can really give a more humanized feeling to a flute...

    (i used to play clarinet and saxophone when i was young and synth-flutes always makes me shiver because they sound so unhuman... imitating a classical instrument is the thoughest part of synth-editing, i think)

    it's not a critic hé, just a thought...

    i can't help it but i still have the impression that the three first lines i sing come too early... it feels strange to the rhythm, but maybe it's just my perception...

    anyway, glad you like it...
    apart from my voice, this is one of your best songs imo

    crolerbedo [be] - 18 years ago

    yoyoyo, don't really know if it's the instruments or the melodies you made with these... anyway, the point is that a darker track (more with the beginning guitar sound) would correspond more to the lyrics, but contrasts are also very good ;)...listening to it once again, it's really an awesome tune...

    stryder [be] - 18 years ago

    LOL! sounds so '80s goth

    cool to see people r still into that! the singing could use a bit more emotion to it...imo that is...
    the content is vey good!!!

    keep up!


    rule001 [be] - 18 years ago

    waw! it's been a long time since i played this kin of dark gothic rock, it really brings back memories!
    thanksfor that!

    really love it!

    Funky [be] - 18 years ago

    Not style I usually listen to, but i'm always curious to hear what he's done next :) I heard this track before at work, couldn't comment then, but will do now, because the melos / chords, call it what you want...They are sticky!! Second listen I thought...tiens tiens...Where do I now this from? And that usually does a lot to me... It's like the good commercials you see on television...End of the day you might only remember those who got to ya... Like this track...Got to me, eventhough it's not my style... U guys have set an excellent mood throughout this 'soft-rough' rock track..A bit gothic maybe, but all & all not that much, wich I like :) Enough blabla, it comes down to this --> Guud job! :) Grtz

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Okay, so I followed some of your advices. Kaoz was right about the vox, they were 1/64 too early in the melody, so adjusted that.
    Also worked a tiny bit on the tone of the kick drum. Backing synths after the first stanza are a bit louder.
    And I tried the LFO for the clarinet, but I'm still doubting whether it sounds better now....?

    transynth [be] - 18 years ago

    that's a very decent intro you've created here!the pads are nicely worked out.soundchoice is good you must have got a lot of work with that.
    your music makes me think 'bout a group of some years ago, don't know but you certainly may take that as a compliment ;)


    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Thanks, hehe yeah about the intro, in the demo version it was a lot more simplistic, you can ask kaoz how much it has changed ;) I'm really satisfied with the intro right now, glad you like it, cheers to you!

    brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

    yeah mr Rabauw! i'm starting to listen your integral! it's promising!
    you are a rockman!
    for your next live i hope you'll use your voice!

    Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

    i wouldn't change it more, it's great !!!

    Funky [be] - 18 years ago

    This is a really good production! I still like the melo's & mood ;) Even more! :p The track certaintly stands... Grtz man!

    rf061992 [be] - 18 years ago

    ouiiiiiii,,, i like so mush your voice...very tenebreuse....hehe ....cool song mr Rabauw :))

    PlanetsCitizens [be] - 18 years ago

    Very coooooool! I like it! Very "dark wave"! +fav The compo is great and the arrangement are cool... Maybe try to mix it again to give it more dynamics and more "presence". Nice shot anyway!

    DeHomunculus [be] - 18 years ago

    realy wonderful. absolutely fabulous. no kidding. thumbs high up, added to favs. i'll listen some more songs of yours right now!

    DeHomunculus [be] - 18 years ago

    holy... if i wrote my own bible right now, you'ld be a saint in it... i'll stop listening now, before i don't dare to listen my own musicagain... +fav

    DeHomunculus [be] - 18 years ago

    this last one was supposed to be written by "Inertia", but for some inexplainable reasons ended up here...

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    thanks for the great support, cheers to you!

    About the wrong comment; it's because you're commenting from the flash player, always safer to use the "add" box at the bottom of the page.
    You can still copy-paste this one into Inertia and delete this one.

    eckhart [be] - 17 years ago

    cool! you create a lot of different atmospheres in just 1 track! very nice dreamy piece of music. just think there's a bit too much delay on the vocals here and there, but that's personal taste.

    btw : thanks for your fine comments on my tracks !

    Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

    Well I personally like the delay effect a lot in this one here. But thanks for your opinion!