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WanBushi - Zen Warriors


Song n°11

First song from the many made this summer. Gonna make more of shit like this in the future.

About the song : took some time to make all drum loops, but i m pretty proud of the result.

Hope u ll like it.


Wãn Bushi





mik [be] - 18 years ago

Yea man, this rocks. Great groove going there, good structure & construction. Lovin that

S-cape [be] - 18 years ago

a bit of confusion with your reverse effect at the 1 minute... But sounds really good and very dansable ! maybe the second melody need same evolution as your rythm ? But after that, wath a fuc*ing good "bad-bass" !! great finish even if its a bit repetitive, great real Drum'n'Bass, thumbs up !

Kleptomik [be] - 18 years ago

Really good, hard but very pleasant. i like that

lebienheureux [be] - 18 years ago

good job
powerfull track with nice beat.

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

dude, pretty heave stuff man, I just woke up ;)
But nice work nonetheless, really love the outro too btw. Good job.

GBS [be] - 18 years ago

massif sound---apreshiated much---but maybe not so "virtuous" about the whole construction--and still we need more of that sound!!!!!

SicktronicK [be] - 18 years ago

Wicked tune (hmm, where have I heard that tune before?)
hehe keep it rollin' boi !!!!!! cya

LeBelgeElectrod [be] - 18 years ago

i think this song could have more succes :S this is a very good track, but a little unstructured and this is the real prob, try to make that with stucture in six minutes ;)

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

yeah cool d&b nice riddims
well done with the filters on the drums
it's not my style, but anyway very well produced ;)

DubbleR [be] - 18 years ago

You are large damaged you! I KiFF your style... Just a little bit too much saturation in your trax, but what a whore of sound! Terrible!

ziggy [be] - 18 years ago

really good...
only one thing,there's no snare at 2min 09, it could be really greater with

WanBushi [be] - 18 years ago

hmm, no snare ? hmm. Are u sure ? I think u ment something else cause there's plenty of snares in it hehehe

omihoshbin [be] - 17 years ago

damn that the shit man , i'm impresed!
big fan

dynamik [be] - 16 years ago

i've listened to a lot of your songs today... really like your style.... absolute mayhem....
great stuff

dev [be] - 16 years ago

dude u can make 3 good tracks out of this one track, vette beats but lacks coherence.. anyway wicked stuff

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

very good song!