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reaman - color of your eyes


a small intimate song (acoustic guitar and vocal) - a one-time recording - hence the minor picking-errors...
composed and written yesterday afternoon, on the terrasse in the sun (10 feb) - wanted it uncut to have the genuine touch (but does need some post-editing)

I used to think that eyes were cold
they shoot you down I've been told
green are the ones that leave you a frown
brown are the ones that just leave town
to see the country to see the sea
they see it all but not with me
they go to places I don't go
they go to parties I never show
grey are the ones that go away
blue are the ones that never never ever stay
they see the sunshine everyday
I face the clouds that won't move away
They like the hunt just for the kill
I have to climb the highest hill

So what's the color of your eyes?
What's the scent of your thighs
So what's the color of your eyes?
I want to see them see them smile
So what's the color of your eyes?





SylvaindeMerode [be] - 17 years ago

Well, It's fine to see you've chosen an acoustic way for now. It's always a pleasure to listen. Did you record it with in a single shot ?
Something I'd change :
First, at the end of each sentence, your voice sounds tired, It's maybe a wanted effect but repetition of the same tone make the sentence go down, like for "told" in your song.
You could probably add another track of your voice with a "Mmmm" melody" to create some variations ? It should be nice. Of try to add a vibrato in your main voice (hu... good luck héhé)

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

well, I've posted it in ICZ because it is a one-take recording with just minor reverb on both guitar and vocal.

I'm going to rework this with seperate recording of vocal and guitar, with some humming here and there and a break. My goal is to have some simple rythmclicking here and there but it's a skill I don't have yet. (And my playing isn't all that temposynced yet...)

Kleptomik [be] - 17 years ago

Splendid song, exceptionnal, i like it very much. For me, nothing to say.... just : grett ! Go on

antares [be] - 17 years ago

Really good! Lyrics are nice

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

thx Antares

wickzzz or varanof, why a thumb down? What should change, what isn't good? I'm not against a thumb down but I'd like a word of explanation... something I could take in consideration.

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Wonderfull man... Really... Your lyrics made my mind wander off... Definetly thumb up! Music straight from the heart... Hats off!

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

The voice is well recorded, thumb up for that already, how do you record them that clean?

Nice song, not what i'd listen to but it reminds me of some good artists in the genre. :)

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

I've got the H2 recorder from ZOOM... not very cheap (198euro) but I read so many good reviews I couldn't resist... and to me it's worth the investment.

rf061992 [be] - 17 years ago

nice.....pm me for the future version....