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reaman - house project
i often get the comment i am always to modest but i guess this could end up on some of your desks (when it's finished and i have taken in consideration all your remarks)...if i'm mistaken please tell me so - i can handle criticism as long if it's is not so original but to me it sounds good and maybe for the first time...shaking ass!
btw: this is my 50th track on ebel so i got something to celebrate!!
please comment
this is not the final version
bassline, filtered synths, flutes and percussion are no preset loops. There's one existing drumloop hidden in the rythm section but i changed it (wave editing) too much
to call it a presetloop.
(if this should belong into techno section please tell me)
edit: read the comments to see what i changed to this version (v0.9)
reaman top 5:
house project -
Napa valley by train (no breaks edit) -
jazza sunrise -
foggy morning -
Pulse of the earth
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reaman [be] - 19 years ago
Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago
But my man, do something about that flute. That's just horrible!!! Maybe it ain't clean enough, or put some more reverb to it, but I would definitely not use that flute in there. It's all to easy to understand where you got the idea from, and how you've interpreted house as a genre so far. In the light of that, your mission has failed.
The way I interpret the feeling of this track is, that you've limited yourself to what you've understood so far is "typical" for house. This will never do any good to one's creativity and musical development. I know you usually make music that comes from your own ideas and your heart.... Don't let yourself be restricted by vague, borderline definitions from other entities. Same thing happened 2000 years ago and look where it brought us today... Listen to yourself, and you'll make a house tune that's a lot better and diverse.
A plus for your original bassline though.
EDIT: btw I remembered this from your profile...
"When everything moves the same way, nothing really moves apparently."
Keep it in mind for your next house track.
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
can live with that
Funky [be] - 19 years ago
I have the feeling their should be more variations to it to make it even more attractive! I guess that's also one of the reasons why my latest house track isn't that liked... Anyhow.. I really dig your versatility! And you have some good ideas! Keep 'em comming!
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
i agree with rabouw(lol,nice comment)
and who to argue with the wizard >mr funky;
make the bazeline with a portamento 1;you should be able to give it more shake,with the lenghts of that bazeline,so its more latin;
the flute,sucks,hmmmm,notes,pitchcorrection can be better;
and sorry about the harsh mail,geus it aint a excuse that i mension,that just today the belgiumweather,made my medical instabilety unbareable,along with some e-bel issues;
sorry & greetz
GBS [be] - 19 years ago
bass-guit intro is kinda long and...just too long-the sounds are just right and go together well,maybe it's just the question of how u mix'em all 2gether
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
dropped the flutes.. maybe rabauw was right
added some elements, changed the portamento of the bassline (cestqui),
made the intro shorter (GBS) ) - you we're right there too) and added some more variation (funky)
the new version should be available very soon (still have to upload it)
any, tomorrow's my birthday so this one's for you all and especially to Zark and all those who support me and like my music. You give me so much pleasure in life... you just can't imagine.
tomkurt [be] - 19 years ago
and HAPPY birthday :-D
Funky [be] - 19 years ago
Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago
Oh, and, happy birthday!
Elfish [be] - 19 years ago
the sounds at the end are nice and give the track a fresh touch, work it out!
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
Please remark i never ever listen to house music myself (except for some artists mentioned on my ebel homepage - but that's no house. And there you got it right, Rabauw... it's house made by someone who's got some very narrowminded and restricted ideas by how it should sound like.
Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago
Even if you have only a slight idea of house as a whole, you can still try to grow into something big. Just ask yourself, what have I learned so far? And how can I develop that from my own visions.
Carbura [be] - 19 years ago
Congratz on this one. ++++
intertec [be] - 19 years ago
i liek the smooth lea/pad sound, a bit gated