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Mimik - The bright side of life


This is a funky happy minimal song. Not hard, just chill. Comments please





stryder [be] - 18 years ago

could use a bit more deepening and fx...

hoffman [be] - 18 years ago

i like the monotonic rythm. Don't need to see your avatar to understand who is your god !

great job man ;)

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

nice minimal track but sound still a bit empty imo... but nice track :)

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

hm.... the beginning is way too empty, too static, no flow or funkyness at all...
the end is much better, but could still use some more variation in rythm and sounds. also, put a swing on it, to get it funkyier. and give a close ear to the place of your sounds: far, close, left right. in other words, play a bit with panning (not too much!) and put your sounds in different reverbs, so it gets deeper.
you have a good base, now work it out

dynamik [be] - 18 years ago

same remarks as vuurkikker... add some depth to the song, basis is good but small effects like reverbs, delay's, panning... are needed to add that extra minimal dimension to make it a little bit more maximal if ya know what i mean... spice it up and let that minimal flow...
