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synesthetictaxi - the sounds of darkness


- - :[ -([
you should listen in a car or on a stereo,some earphones fuck up some freqencies





streatuac [be] - 21 years ago

sounds of darkness rocks! ;-) like it

quaint [be] - 21 years ago

indeed a nice one, dark and a bit kaotic, only the soundquality isnt that good

mik [be] - 21 years ago

Yap, this is good for sure even if it gets repetitive in the end. Really nice job with the blending of all the dark bassy elements. Though, some of them sounds kind of lofi.

The overal lacks some structure, or at least, some way for the listener to "relax". The drums go for the whole track but some seconds in the middle, and that gets boring.

But good dark track 'nyway

killabeez [be] - 21 years ago

yeah man,long time i've seen you!
Looks like all is going well with you!
Love your tunes,especially thisone!
Love the dark shit,real good structure,perfect beat,cool sounds
big up mate

gruesome2some [be] - 20 years ago

dark shit, just the way i like it...
cool sounds, phat beats, wicked samples, but the structure could be a bit better i reckon, anywayz, keep'm coming, this one rocks!