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marcel1948 - Boogie Woogie
Play it loud en blow the fuse...let's BOOOOOGIE !!!!!!
Thanx to Jack Nicholson for his voice at the end....
marcel1948 top 5:
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Funky [be] - 18 years ago
transynth [be] - 18 years ago
BAMBAMBAM [be] - 18 years ago
rule001 [be] - 18 years ago
i agrea about the piano-thingy.
The organ (if thats it) sounds are quite simular to eachother (base & lead) wich makes the track sound rather monotone.( if the sounds where further apart, it would give it more "punch/kick" imo... as you can hear at 3.01sec)
(...damn, this is hard to explain..)
I would also shorten that highhat, it kinda sounds like one continous static now.
I'm not one to easyly give comments, but this track is really cool and deserves to be pumpin' jumpin' kickass ;)
offcourse, i'm listening through a crappy headset so all of the above might all sound like BS to people with a better setup. ;)
I'll burn it on a cd to listen to it better (and then i probably delete this comment :p )
...on the other should be able to play a track through crappy headphones :p
(hint to all ebellers: check songs through crappy headphones ;) )
summerizing: Great track with great potential