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phollox - Sand and Dust
New dubstep inspired song, hope you like! like sum comments or ideas (as always) enjoy...Suggestions
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Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago
i like your sense of dubstep, add a mutli ragga voices on this imo or a oriental girl singer
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
LittleOnion [uk] - 18 years ago
could maybe take some more 'dub' elements - to add a little more spark in places - nice production - keep experimenting! :-)
JabbaAndFollox [be] - 18 years ago
Sapajdacosta [be] - 18 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
you're really focusing on dubstep lately or what? lool
yo blondiiiee!
JabbaAndFollox [be] - 18 years ago
Cellmac [be] - 18 years ago
JabbaAndFollox [be] - 18 years ago