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Titaneye - Final Atmosphere




GBS [be] - 18 years ago

its like a bucket of an olde lady who just returned from a market place---evrything is there--tasty things and not very tasty things and some abslotely redundant things and as deeper one digs as more one gets of all those.
the pik'tcha (how in the name of jesus do u spell it correktly?) on your profile gave an idea for a new sound---the sound of tit on a vinyl--beautiful---GOD almaity!!! this song is still on and it gets more and more different!!!!

BAMBAMBAM [be] - 18 years ago

plizz notice that gbs's name isn't micha & that he's not tall & blond ! :p

nice ideas, keep workin on it

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

this is a good tripppp!!!!
