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J&G - Voyager Introduction


J&G is the name of a musical project between Funky & Gringo. Old friends who finally began making music together..

This is our first (under construction) house track...deep sounds, kinda hypnotizing repetitive beat/rythm... Experimenting with the equipement...

We more then welcome any comments / suggestions...





Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

vraiment tout bon .
T'as travaillé sous cubase???
parfait pour avec un bon peco tres tripant

RedVade [be] - 18 years ago

Like this a lot ... its still funky style ;) but a little less groovy.
More trippy with some techy influence... like that.
Not much to say to improve it ... Maybe after 1.45 sec imo the bass and that melodie isn't fully harmonic ... its like there is one little false note in it..
could be right ... dunno...
very good work ... goes to HD

grtzz mate

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

Good job!like the atmo and those fx's in between...a bit more variation perhaps with some nice vocals ;) i hope you guys will make more tracks together, very promising :) Grtz

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

@ Mr. Anonymous: Yes, arranged & mixed in cubaze...Thanks for your comment! Enjoy your 'peco' ;)
@ RedVade: Thanks mate! I don't actually now exactly what you mean with 'after 1.45...' notes should be OK normally, if you can precise it a little more, i'll dig into it...Grtz!
@transynth: Thanks! There should be some more variation allready in a future edit..It sure can use some extra work... Thanks man & yes, we'll be making more tracks together for sure! :) Grtz

Ow yea...--> I'd like to have some feedback on the mix if possible? Is mixed/Recorded in a different way then I regularly do...

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

mwaay, deep deep deep...
nice minimal touch! not many different sounds, but nevertheless nice twists and turns.
i'd say: +fav ;)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Graçias mate! ;)

Phye [be] - 18 years ago

after 3.15 is best part imo, the ringmod (something alike) is a bit overused i think. also after 1.45 something idd seems false, but i wouldnt bother to much, since its only first production u guys made together.
idd hypnotizing rythm, perhaps some more melowork, but that would rip the current song out of its context, good job, +

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks Phye! You're right bout the ring mod...gonna mute it a bit more in further edits.. And bout that thing that 'seems' fals...Guess it must be the the fine tune or an oscillator frequency or somthing...I don't really hear it false to be honest, maybe a bit weird, but that kinda was the purpose ;) ( Ok, must admit that I have no musical background like you & RedVade so I guess I should take your remark into account ;) ) Thanks for the feedback!! Grtz

Brom [be] - 18 years ago

oooyeah that's a damn funky track :-)
really phat beat !!

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

:-) We thank you!