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antares - Mistic Spirits


this is the new track i've been working on. Its not finnished, cause the mastering is not how it should be and there should come some sort of climax. But my brothers computer crashed and since i have no pc of my own, i can't work on songs for some time.
About the track: it's melodic goa, 143 bpm. Enjoy
greetz antares





Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Hey, phollox listening, big up bro! fine piece of psytrance, keep up (greetz from silas also..trippin' next to me)

antares [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks brother!
Glad you and crazy silas liked it!!
To the other people: Like to hear sum comments!! Its alwais great to get some constructive feedback.
Greetz antares

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

yea good idea but some melos i dislike

psyra [be] - 17 years ago

nice song, i like your melodies? also nice structure in the song

good job greetz

Erophin [be] - 17 years ago

this song might be in general section imo ... something to change ? maybe a faster version, and some wierd background noises, like from tombraider 4 soundtrack or just sampling of theme sounds... insert a break, where all gets cutoffed and maybe 'wet' reverbed away... abit like outro, bit all backgrounded and some sound theme efx on foreground, pure for the cinematics, its entrtainment so, dont bother getting some furniture in this dimension... it allreddy discribes a mystic atmo...

antares [be] - 17 years ago

tnx erophin, but this was my first goa song, and i don't think i'm gonna edit this one :), but your right about the atmo