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melodikpinpon - t arrive pas à l oublier




Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

at some point you should start considering mastering your tracks...

apart from the mastering this is a real good track !!

thumbs up

SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago

C'est si mauvais que j'ai pas de mots pour le dire la voix est nulle mais ça c'est pas ta faute parce que c'est la tienne ta musique pue le renfermé et tu sens aussi du pet il parrait c'est ta soeur qui me l'a dis a ce propos elle embrasse bien ta soeur dommage que ta musique est pas aussi gentille qu'elle en plus j'ai entendu dire qu'il parait que dailleurs que même que!

Bref, un grand pouce en l'air pour ce sublime morceau, I love beaucoupsss ton germanic style +++1

hey, ça me donne presque envie de bouger mon cul pour un live :-)

SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago

Sorry voor de frans but if I say het in anglaish methodic jambon il begrijp que dalle

melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

hello disreality! hoe war you?
thanks for this comment.
but my objectif is not realese this track in gigolo recordz or radio contact. the mastering, the sound quality and the smoothness is not my artistic step. mélodikpinpon tracks is a recordings of live sessions and performances. all my work is a great rough notebook. it is not how I consider the music. the care is for me only one secondary aspect in research. me, I record while I play my piece, i play synthesizing, I sing, I modify the
effects of my voice, I dance... all in one time. and its a pleasur for me. a melodik pinpon track is a recording of a live performance. just that. i am a live performer and live musician. not a student in conventional electronic music. i control my track and i accept without complex the dirty character of my music. I am just. I do not want to express myself with wisdom and cleanliness but with
coarseness and imperfections authorized.
I do not search to like all and to be suitable, but with expressed my
opinion with the sincerity and the accuracy which it caracterise. my
message is thus. my language is sometimes pushing back; like me :) I do
not want a version pro of my songs, but of the true versions which say
the verity on me. the truth on the music that I makes. so sometimes the
song goes too or a another sound, is the nature of this music and I accept this.
its the dimensions intrinsic one of a true piece live, underground,
and personnel. it is badly masterised but the message is not less
perceptible. that pleasant, or that did not pleasant. Je m'en fiche! I am not
démago. my message tries to be most just possible. I would like to be
free of saying the things with the words and the tone that I selected
and with the sound texture which is appropriate to me. giving
councils on the mastering are things which are practical for young
people the beginner who tries to make music without knowing where they
go... we gives them technical councils because when the music does
not have basic, we tries to give him a form for step that it is empty
of interêt! When I present my music at the others, I do not seek to
know which form they would have given to my music if they had composed
it... just, I have invite it to appreciate what I did. and if they do
not appreciate, it is not my problem. MéLODiK PiNPON does not have
anything to prove to people who try to make. MéLODiK PiNPON made!
I enormously make music since years and I éxperimente enormously of
things different and that impassions me and I invent all that I does.
I believe that by listening to this song, we can feel all the heart
which I put inside. if I considére that the mastering is appropriate
to me, it is to the listener of the accept this. to be frank with
you Disreality, I do not take part any more in Electrobel lately because I have some systematically to hear a little enough speak about mastering as if there were only important. I do not
address to you in particular Disreality, (you I love you a lot)
but with all these people who think that quality in the electronic
music lies in the reproduction of the idea that one is done some... in
this case I do not see the intéret to make this. my mastering is not pro
but we pays me regularly to come to play my music in France,
everywhere in Belgium, or in other countries, for the contents of my
work and the personality whom I dare used, not for his care. I made
a lot of albums and compilations and more than 70 concerts... and I
have never receiv comment for my mastering.. except, on electrobel!!!!!!!! People like because a lot of things touch them. on electrobel, I have the
impression which people see so much the defects that they are not able
to see all qualities of a work. and that returns to me sad because I
am certain to be able to bring a lots of things to the community.
But often, people do not understand the real direction of a
community. we are there to mutually encourage us, not to lower us!!!
For me, a piece with enormously of heart and qualities does not
deserve to be to judge on its small defects and is to excuse. I find
that impolite and useless. i will not to be perfect.

My mastering is not as good as that of
Gunther, Beyonce or Gwen Stefani, but my music to please with people and
it also to please me. with its qualities and its defects. When people who
know melodik pinpon, think of melodik pinpon, they think: violence,
humour, sex, subversion, intègritée, culot et légertée... and... mastering
not-professional. I do not assert the mastering bad quality, not I
want right speech of the subjectivity of a mastering.. I do not think
that with a its studio and a mastering of better quality melodik
pinpon will like more. on the contrary, I think that beaucoups people
appreciate my music because it is not subjected to the laid down rules.
I delete 50 of my tracks in electrobel because there were too
many unnecessarily negative comments which dirtied the pages of my

fuck les nazes, fuck people who criticize and who are unable to carry out
something of positive with their music, fuck the jealous and
frustrated, fuck empty people of interest who have a large mouth, fuck

if you think that thus you will make advanced the community, with your
comments of shit which are just used to you to pose on my topics and
to make the guys interessants who know each other there in electronic
music of quality, it is not the method for the community will be more

In electrobel, there is a lot of people who have an important place
in my heart, but I feels unable to exist through community which needs
so much to be called in question.

PS: since a long time I wanted to say what I think of electrobel.

thanks for la lecture les gars.

ps2: zavé vu bande de naze, maintenat je parle aussi anglais.


melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

to sanduich garnier: salut vielle couque au shampooing. merci pour ton comment, jte content que ca te plaise.
et sinon, comment va la petite?

SpazzMano [be] - 17 years ago

héhé pas mal du tout même :)

SpazzMano [be] - 17 years ago

indus -ghetto tek dans le style

melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

merci Spazzmano :) enchanté de faire ta rencontre

SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago

Ouais, the petite va good. She is chez Laurent at the moment, playing with Mila :-)
Et ton rejeton a toi? Quelle marque, quel modèle, de quelle année? (je l'ai vu qu'une fois en coup de vent)

melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

ah ben moi c'est un modèle allemand taille 10 avec un moteur à soupape en chrome vanadium et en poil de nubuk. dans deux mois, il recevra des nike air max noires à bulles d'air pour son annif de la part de papa. passe quand tu veux le voir... jtenvoye mon msn par voie privée ;)

fabethefabulous [be] - 17 years ago

MaSsAk !!! RaCh. vraiment chouette :)
lucie aime bien aussi ;)
MaSsE tA SoEuR dAnS uN RiNg !!!
yéah yéahh !!! :)
y manke pa un S ?? lol :)
++ m@ couille ;)

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

Hey melodik...
don't worry, I think I understand what you try to do with your music.
What i say about mastering is not to bring your music down, why the hell should i want to do that, that's not my style...

I listen to your tracks and try to hear your message, your pleasure, and your passion for original sound, and I love most of what you do, i think you know that...

In 1 thing i cannot agree, and that's the part where you say that comments on mastering are only usefull for beginners, that's not true...

To me it doesn't make a difference if the musician just made his first track or if he allready has played all around the world, for me that's all the same.
When i give a comment about some technical side, I don't want to put you down, or bring your music down or criticise you, i just tell you what pops up in my head after listening...

I appreciate the fact that your pieces of work are recordings of live performances, songs in 1 take ( i did ' We're in good hands ' also in 1 take in ableton ) and i love that, it keeps the original enthousiasm in the track.
But why is the word ' mastering ' a dirty word for you?
In some of your tracks there is a lot of volume difference between some sounds, and with mastering you can lower the differences, that's all, nothing wrong with that...

That will not destroy creativity, since you can do it when the track is fully recorded...

Anywayz, I don't have that problem with electrobel, i want people to be honest when they listen to my music, and if someone thinks it can be better with some different approach, i will consider it, but that doesn't mean that i will change, because as you, i make my music, and i make it the way i want it, but it does give me an idea on what others think...

Sometimes other people can have ideas that can enhance your music, you should not be so negative about that...

So, i hope you know i don't want to bring you down ( far from it, i appreciate your style, i told you that some time ago ^^), i am just being honest with you...

AND YOU STILL HAVE TO SING ON ' dark thoughts ' !!! let me know if you still want to do that ....


melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

hello, distreality.
above all, thank you for your comment which is as usual, enriching.

higher, I specified well that my comment concerning the mastering was not intended for you... but for all those which could commented on one
piece right while speaking about mastering...

I wanted just expressed
my opinion relating to the comments generally turning around the mastering and not around work realized.

often, i had the feeling that
the mastering is the easy excuse for not accept that a creation is
innovative. its my opinion

but I repeat it, I do not think of you. generally, your opinion on the mastering is important for me.
but often i had comments on the mastering of ebelers (of which I will conceal the name) masterized, but hollow vacuum and without heart. I am to ask:
why make they music? when they listen to me, they see just only my
problems of mastering, as if it is that the esential...

I wanted just marked my opposition to this embourgeoized spirit in musical creation.

I am opened with criticism on the mastering so much makes which me
advanced, .. but often it just descended me because it did not have anything nutritive.

peace :heavy:

PS: I always am very motivated to make music with you, I did not have
full time to make music lately but it will be for very soon :)


Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

can't w8... ;)

SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago

Shit, he speaks english now, we must be careful of what we say so... :)

privecomcept1 [be] - 17 years ago

pas mal bien realiser good traksss

melodikpinpon [be] - 17 years ago

thanks primecom..
to sandwich gravier: non jparle tjrs pas bien anglais et ca m'fais chier. ca ma pris environ 3 heures en after decrire cela à l'aide du traducteur... mais jferai pas ca tout les jours hein. qu'on se le dise. :) dailleurs je sais meme plus de quoi ca parle..