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The Audience is Listening - Direct Drive


Somewhere between Dead Can Dance, Massive Attack & Mogwai. Clarinets arranged & performed by Basilic Einstein. It needs some female vocal parts ... is there somebody to do it? ...





TheThreatOfDawn [be] - 17 years ago

hehehe, didn't see the heavy guitars comming!!! rather unexpected! (which is a good thing!)

Verry cool buildup, rich sound-variaty! could indeed do with some vocals. Maybe a few lines that repeat and overlap. If you have a few textlines (and mail them), i could maybe ask our singer if she can come up with anything. (if she's got the time...)

unsonic [be] - 17 years ago

Thanx!!! Of course it would be a great idea to collaborate! I haven't textlines for this song cause I like the voice to be like onomatopoeia or something like a very little child language, something which wants nothing to say. Listen to the excellent Dead Can Dance track 'Cantara', I dream of somethiong like that for voice...

edith [be] - 17 years ago

hey that's pretty nice ! catchy ,although not really my style ...
but i recognize that guitar riff from somewhere ... ?