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jeroenM - Fünck


A funky song featuring samples from a 8-cd soundbank collection I bought long ago, and some added synths and beats.
Heavily influenced by Prince, Jami Lidell (and Timbaland in a lesser way).

And it's not quite done yet. Some problems with rendering the WaspXT in FLS. A proper ending is needed too, of course





aphone [be] - 17 years ago

nice work but i dont feel the 'unity' of this song, sometimes it sounds a bit too samplized imao, the synth sounds so bad for me... still theres a nice groovy touch, me love funk and i dig this, but its missin some work, some parts are really fat and disurve more attention

milkiblix [be] - 17 years ago

peacefull song...maybe too peacefull....

syly001 [be] - 17 years ago

Lose the synth man, sounds waaaaayyy better without it

SpazzMano [be] - 17 years ago

interesing.... good influence