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Aerosofa - Al-Awda




Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

very very good track !!

eckhart [be] - 17 years ago

cool ! now add a crazy likembe-melody =)

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

gonna put this in my fav folder...
love it....

crolerbedo [be] - 17 years ago

yep, that's a good track, but do you know there's 1.30 min. of full nothing ???

liquidbass [be] - 17 years ago

Excellent track!

Very chilling, very moody!

liquidbass [be] - 17 years ago

but what happens between 4:30 and 6:10?

Aerosofa [be] - 17 years ago

Hey ! Thank you for the kind comments on this track. Sorry for the end. The song is complete but I don't know why the MP3 encoder added this trailing blank. I will pay attention to this for the next uploads.

Djinn [be] - 17 years ago

Excellent, nice trip and good vibe
very well done !

MadRab [be] - 17 years ago

I m so relax...very nice track.
the ambiance and the asymetric beat are exelent.(where are your others tracks???...I want to listen it!)

eeezzeepeezzeee [be] - 17 years ago

good vibes wohoo!