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Rag - Swinging Guru


I think it's a Nu Jazz song but it could be Trip Hop too I don't really now
It sounds a bit like Air to me (didn't ment to be Airy or somekind of that but..)
It doesn't swing to much but I tought it was a cool name
I made a lot of the sax and the structure with my good friend a.k.a Antares:p
comments are really welcome


p.s: it's one of my first songs so
some tips would be nice
edit: changed the drums so they sound right with the bass





Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Yéyé.. I like this... Got some good ideas in this track.. Like the floaty first part... lateron bass is really cool, as are those trumps & sax... Sounds a bit distorted in certain parts though... Good work! Grtz

Djinn [be] - 17 years ago

Yeah, nice track, there are some good ideas in it !!
Good work !

antares [be] - 17 years ago

mm yeah good! There are some very good parts in it, stil some sounds in the beats that are 'naast de tel'. I also would cancel that litle drumroll in the end. But def good song mate!
btw: thanks for mentioning me ;)

Rag [be] - 17 years ago

Funky, what parts are a bit distorted?
I will try to tak care of the 'naast de tel' problem

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

1.46-1.47 I hear two 'wrong' notes, could that be? ( It's what my 'hearing' tells me..I have no musical background, so could be wrong also...)
I hear some light distortion when the sax play together with the bass...round minute 3 it begins... Could be the dynamics of the keys, don't know exactly... Think it might be the combination of the different elements together.... I ain't no soundexpert or something, just letting you know how I hear/feel it... And those lil details don't make the track less good, so :) Keep 'm comming ;) Grtz

--> second listen... I think it might be the bass ....

Rag [be] - 17 years ago

yeah youre right without these false notes in the end it sounds less like a ringtone :) I ain't really sure of the melo if replaced in the end of the rhodes
And I put the piano and bass each a bit to the right and the other to the left so the distortion is a bit less

Thanks for the advice anyway :)

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

check the other comments. they are correct

hennoxlane [be] - 15 years ago

Oh I absolutely LOVE the flute in the beginning, the flute after that could do with a little more smoothness imo, though.. But that's just personal taste off course =)

the piano solo sounds a little off sometimes, not really wrong notes, just a bit silly

besides, I would really love to know what vst's you used for the sax and trumpet? Sounds very real! (or did you just record real sax, that could also be the case :p)

anyway, I really like it a lot! congratz ;)

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

the flute is very nice