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101sonic - Stuntman's cassette


In this track, I tried a new beat device and compressor. Finaly I found my fat kick without any cropted distortion.

All feedbacks are welcome..





Falcon030 [be] - 17 years ago

in the the late 80 ies whe didnt even now what comp/limiter was ! and made also some songs that sound ok! when you now the ADSR of youre sounds than you are an step further !nice song by the way 101sonic ! i liked it

Erophin [be] - 17 years ago

electro? i think u arent aware u have made a goa psytrance song ^^ MDR !!
happy trumanshow effect m8^^ me like this cybertrance

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

Prety nice, but no progressive trance for me, sorry Falcon^^
Doesn't really matter..nice track!

Erophin [be] - 17 years ago

It was me who adviced to change it into psytrance or goa ... psytrance isnt a genre on ebel...so...what to do? third listen , well trance then?... maybz ad some more melodie layers high strings maybe? and voices^^