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kronoz - Wednesday Nights (Re-Edit)


This is a re-edit of a previous track of mine which I wasn't satisfied of. There isn't much from the original left anymore now but I am satisfied now :)



I changed the kick and removed and added some elements. Is this version better then the previous one? You can always compare on my myspace.


*** reUPDATE: As promised before, i've made the final version of Wednesday Nights. I hope i've solved all the previous problems. Any comments are more then welcome! Enjoy K.





RedVade [be] - 17 years ago

bit empty this one
and kick is little to low over here...
try to fill up with lot more elements... allthough keep it minimal ;)

good idea.. needs some more work

eckhart [be] - 17 years ago

good idea for a minimal track ! maybe try to make it less repetitive and keep that delayed melody well tight. it might inherent to minimal, but i think your kick is too high pitched

mowzow [be] - 17 years ago

it's not my kind of music, but you made a great song!

kronoz [be] - 17 years ago

Thx, when i have some time i'll change the kick again because i dont like this one either. The first one was too low, this one is way too high. I also gonna work on the structure because i think this one is a little too sloppy.