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alkaloid - stairways




Akwalek [be] - 17 years ago

hehehe...what a false melo...it gives a weird feelin, but it suits the concept...the second jazzy lounge part comes verry nice after it, i would make the bass later on more harmonic, some notes are "wrong", in the first part it goes verry well, but afterwards it would be better to follow the "jazz"...if u no what i mean... great soundconcept nevertheless

ORIP [be] - 17 years ago

I like it!!!
I like it!!!
I like it!!!

icteder [be] - 16 years ago

hey ho,
watch the volumes on the bassthingy(also not really a fan of that sound :( ) , think the beat should be way louder imo.dikke duim for the compo you have a fresh view on electronic music.i like the attention you put in original songwriting.en there is always something goin on.that's cool!

alkaloid [be] - 16 years ago

i know the sound of the first mainsynth is quite strange, i personnaly like it like this.. and when playing on a big soundsystem it really comes out as a warm tube sounding deep bass.. sometimes it's a tiny bit over the edge especially the lowest notes.. that was a bit of a problem when mastering this track 'cause i didn't want to loose the sound as it was.. but i appriciate different opinions, it's the best way to learn something.. thanks guys!

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

héy, like those short low notes going down.
Strange atmospheres allways have that weird interesting vibe.not really my thing this one, but quality is shurely here

particle [be] - 16 years ago

pretty cool, makes me think of afx's didgeridoo somehow