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BAMBAMBAM - Headrush


fast&hard breakcore shizzl i gave myself as a present for my birthday ! will be released on vinyl next january & on free mp3 compilation also feat. ROTATOR, KRUMBLE & D-AQ:SED ->next summer yeah baby !

i love myself so much , i deserved it ^^






HarryPoppins [be] - 17 years ago

i like it doooood
but maybe lill more bass would do good
sundaymorning music :))

BAMBAMBAM [be] - 17 years ago

see that's exactly the kind of useless & quite retarded comment i 'm fed up with ...

of course it 's good , of course more bass & even more of course u suck :p

'k hou van jou julleke :p

Erophin [be] - 17 years ago

good work, entertaining show^^ my wall paper got down of di wlls again...
see that saw? im gone use it... ^^ big upah

MrBadMonkey [be] - 17 years ago


more bambambamtracks please

ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 17 years ago

Nice breakz, i've already hear you on partys, just don't stop music.