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undersc_re - flatblaster


this was suposed to be one for the groove contest... but hey we couldn't wait anymore ;)

don't worry we'll dig up some other track from the undersc_re trashbox for that contest.

a bit more bassy then our other tracks.

comments welcome ^^





Kyran [be] - 17 years ago

Nice dancefloor track. Good buildup, maybe use a longer outro for a dj mix. I'd also lower the volume a bit, it's very upfront on my headphones (I'll also listen on the monitors and see what that gives)

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Wow.. nice track man.. Nice beatz & mix'n! Love the low bass in it... The part that begins at 3.10 is really good... Nasty & clean with those squeeky sounds...

phollox [be] - 16 years ago

cool track kerel!! naasty, i like this kinda bassey groovy breakbeat, sounds a bit oldskool :) bass is really good...