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Tiktaalik - 300 Spartans Returned As A King


This track is inspired by the movie 300 and in particular the OST track "Return As A King".

I did this job together with a friend (Liaf)

I was thinkin' to give the drums a refreshment, cause I haven't spent much time on them. They are a bit too repetitive.





baart [be] - 17 years ago

Not really digging the melody...

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 17 years ago

what baart said

Erectro [be] - 16 years ago

Hi dude,

I think if you would lower the melodies by at least 2 octaves it would sound overall better ... So it will sound more like drum n Bass instead of drum n Synth :) And i cant help it to notice that your melodie is of-sync at certain points. And the intro instrument sounds a tiny bit too saturated imho..
But I Do like the concept! Try fiddling with it and see what could be done more! I always start making structures of songs and adjust sounds just as long untill I'm happy (or content ....)

Anyway! Keep it up mate!

Doorchaser [be] - 16 years ago

Hey It's great, but it could be some much better if you indeed lowered the synths as everyone said and If you would use a bit more variation in use of sounds. You have enough variation in melody, but it doesn't come out the right way because you use the same sound for the melodies all over the song!

Hey just my two cents! We all had to learn in the beginning :D