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Gothrixus - Nuclear Butterfly
After finally seeing the Silent Hill movie, and hearing its incredible soundtrack, I decided to try something more ambient, darker. I had to use those air raid sirenes.The distant crow sounds reminded me and a few friends of how real this song sounds.
This song convinced "Resurrection Studios", a game company responsible for the famous Postal 2 horror mod "Eternal Damnation", to use me as their soundtrack composer for future games/mods.
Gothrixus top 5:
Hot Pursuit (V.2) -
The Ancient Sword Of Betrayal (Bonus Track) -
Nitzho 1 (preview) -
Nitzho 2 (preview) -
The Other Side
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BpOlar [be] - 16 years ago
served ice-cold , the way I like htem
Gothrixus [be] - 16 years ago
It's just like we like our beers. Server ice-cold.
I don't know why, but lately I'm spending 95% of my time 'composing' ambient songs.
Skip [be] - 16 years ago
could fit easely in some dark game or movie.
Gothrixus [be] - 16 years ago
I love the fact that such games are worthless without a decent soundtrack.
It's up to me to give the game its right atmosphere. I love it that my job is so important for the game(company). =)
Thx for the comment as well.