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DrDrake - Pass-that-J


First time I tried Drum&bass. It's Liqiud drum&bass, cuz I can't really make hard one. The breaks and amens and all are just too difficult for me still :).
I experimented a bit with this one, like with the lyrics in the song and sh*t.
Just sit back and chill for this one.

Feedback is well apriciated.






pyroclyptic [be] - 16 years ago

Beautifull ;)
Where did you get the vocals from? :p

DrDrake [be] - 16 years ago

Hi, and thx for comment.
I got the vocals from FL itself, there under ' cool stuff ' I think :)
Grtz the docter

particle [be] - 16 years ago

try to experiment some more i'd say, i can pruim this better than your other stuff :)