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ralphwiggum - easy like a sundaymorning
simplistic mood
ralphwiggum top 5:
s°w.ö.û#z -
°s_t_r_t_n_c_b_m -
bli#p -
0586 -
finding a title is the hardest part
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particle [be] - 16 years ago
just the drumkit sounds a bit regular but besides that i really enjoy it :)) good melo's and sounds!
Skip [be] - 16 years ago
goddamn goooood stuff!
luv the elements,acid ,cool little breaks,swee-eet melodyz....and fuck'n good job on the experimental side.
All verry colorfull.
love it all the way dude...
Some Kettel influences? I freakin like man
please make a bit longer...please?....yeah ,great!
damn good track
and how's that nose-pickin goin for ya? enjoying it? good, I do it all the time too...
cheerz dude
ralphwiggum [be] - 16 years ago
never heard of kettel? don't reallyknow what 'genre' this belongs to, think it's kinda bogdan like but doesn't really matter...
if my nose bleeds i'm picking it too much, or not enough
Skip [be] - 16 years ago
You'l like it.
Its just that there are certain similaritys here,really...yup,I relisten and,I conferm myself.
Please make more of those optimistic-maker-tracks really enjoy
AND its sundaymorning! wiiiiiiihihhiii!
have a good one
ow! and about the genre.....yeah its not easy.But Idd say poppy IDM/ electronica would fit good I think
Dude you got a Space?
ralphwiggum [be] - 16 years ago
thx for the tip, gonna check it out.
Anonymous [be] - 13 years ago