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Kreft - Requiem




ZARk [be] - 16 years ago

first off, welcome to ebel

Second, ...
Song starts really good, a good startoff mood, the beats are good, but not as main beats, you'd need something more upfront and harder to fit the song.
It's a good start, but i'm sure if you rework it and maybe ask some advice around you'll make this a kick ass track !!

I'm just waiting for that big drop that goes KABOOOOOOOM and makes me want to jump off my chair

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Jeep this track misses a blast, a bassline that makes you want to dance:)
Though good work, good elements, just work on the structure!

Kreft [be] - 16 years ago

Thank you both for the constructive comment.

This is my first full song and I still have a lot to learn. I am aware that the song needs improvements, and I will certainly keep working on it with your advice in mind.