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Leonarddigital - AcidNeoprem




Uzifr [be] - 16 years ago

Personnally, I listen no problem.

I prefer the second part because I like acid sound. Your passage near 6.30 is magic because we feel subbass...

Do you now The Divide ? Yours sounds seems inspirate by him sometimes

Good song & perfect longer :p

Uzifr [be] - 16 years ago

after a new listening, I ask if you start the second part sooner ? (Just 1 minute with bass modulation near 1.53...) It will be good for your track & you can progress with your acid/electro sounds (like near 4.02 : explore the "bulbs sounds" in background pleaz ^^)

All is good, in particular after 4.45 I like (& good break near 4.50, but a little so much long, we need kick :)

Falcon030 [be] - 16 years ago

master mix could be better ! when the kick bass is playing it limits the volumes of the other instruments ! greets

Falcon030 [be] - 16 years ago

also some over clippings in youre song !