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luchtgruis - navaal schip


This song was my first composition. It was written in the post depression years without being emotionally bankrupt. The title refers partly to my childhood, i frequently resided on the coast, and can also be interpreted as a metaphor for everything we (have to) loose and leave behind while growing up, sometimes joyfully, sometimes painful. Yes, maybe we are like a ship, we choose the sea, will we ever come back to shore where we can find love in an unknown land ?

* Contains some measures of a song from the ninja gaiden game for the 8-bit nes *


luchtgruis top 5:




Anonymous [be] - 13 years ago

damn echt een schoon stukje!

luchtgruis [be] - 13 years ago

Dank je voor de comment. Na een lange afwezigheid besloten om muziek te hernemen; op dit moment een pianist aan het zoeken om dit te spelen. Wordt dus vervolgd ; )