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Enki - Prokuste v1


It isn't finished yet but I like this song so I decided to put this as my first song on electrobel. I need some advice for mastering and co so comments are welcome





Skip [be] - 16 years ago

mastering sounds verry good imo.
I would add shakers or hihats to the beat...
and maybe try putting more variations to the beat.
and you should be carefull with those high pitched synth bits,there a bit too present troughout the track.
This could become a verry fat track.
keep on.

Tomastar [be] - 16 years ago

Perhaps you should add somes crashs and reverse cymbal. It will increase the power of the "montée" (sorry i don't know the good word in english ^^)
More open hihats perhaps too.
Good track very punchy. nice one dude.

Letrange [be] - 16 years ago

Yep Yep, nice sounds
I would also had some HH that the beat gets abit more fluid...
Synth are quite agressiv héhé
May be you should push a bit the volume down of these hi pitched synth...
Keep working on it!

Enki [be] - 16 years ago

Thanks for the com's. I'll work on it

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Hey Enki it's Greg; pretty cool!