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djzodiac - Main Frame


This Song was created a time ago. But now ready and mastered (not yet in a real studio). Hope the mastering is good, did a lot of retakes to come to this result.

This is one of my (and Zixo's) songs awaiting to be published.



djzodiac top 5:




    Falcon030 [be] - 16 years ago

    the basics are in this song ! but its missing some variations and cuts and deeps and falls enz ! solo's ! good mixed and mastered ! but this song is still open for better soundings ! greets

    aia [be] - 16 years ago

    Sorry but it sounds like trance or electro wannabe. Wrong structure, wrong sound texture.


    Gerrick [be] - 16 years ago

    ok I hear a good lead.
    But, to be honest this track needs more variation, pitch some melo's put a second melo under it, work with some crazy choons, a good bass.
    I only can hear a tiny basslead from the beginning, it has to be much more pounding an electrotrack.
    It's bit to basic, keep working on this is the message!

    djzodiac [be] - 16 years ago

    I did a full remake (remix) of this song. check it out here: http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/23239/Main_Frame_rmx (I also put it in the Trance section)

    Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago
