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NotAnameYet - ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION (violated-version)


I always loved songs with old organ sounds in them, like 4 example:

"Organ-Donor" from Dj Shadow,


"For Ton Mantis" from Amon Tobin.
(not really organ, but he who knows the song knows what i mean)

and since my latest songs finally start 2 sound like songs,

I thought:" What if u mix the styles of Organ Donor and For Ton Mantis into this one number, with a lot of organ in it!!!

(4 the note: i didn`t steal anything, the melodic part are alle created with my bare hands, every beat placed with care, i support creativety, not stealing...)

hahahahahaaaaa!!! (insane laughter)

this number wasn`t even suppposed 4 rendering, i just was bored and wanted 2 make a fast hiphop beatje (like eating a bicky-burger),

but very often those spontanius moments turn out 2 be mountains 4 inspiration...

(stomme woordkeuze-i know)

4 the last, it`s a bit long, but in my eyes not even long enaugh, and i putted in "EXPERIMENTAL" cause it`s more like a mixture from different influenses...


N o t a N a m e Y e t




liquidbass [be] - 16 years ago
