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LeBelgeElectrod - Life is a wobble bass
You will maybe listen this New live tracks for our concert 12/05/08 @ La Maison folie.Come on :
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LeBelgeElectrod top 5:
Three Pitting of Syringe -
Shepherd - The Bass Shepherd (LebelgeElectrod Remix) -
Life is a wobble bass -
Imperceptible Love -
KidWhiskY - Made in Belgium (LebelgeElectrod Remix)
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babbaracos [be] - 16 years ago
just don't like the trance-ish arp, doesn't fit the mood imho
mastering is extremely pro
thumbs up
dialekte [be] - 16 years ago
HarryPoppins [be] - 16 years ago
CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago
big ups for that
alkaloid [be] - 16 years ago
phollox [be] - 16 years ago
LeBelgeElectrod [be] - 16 years ago
MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago
omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago
particle [be] - 16 years ago
randomuser [be] - 16 years ago
the modulations on the bass are almost perfect
and all the rythms with the wobbles, yeah great shit
0bx [be] - 16 years ago
Sound is amazing.
HarryPoppins [be] - 16 years ago
great track
just some sounds (the trancey synth) isnt really my tass de café
but your wikkiwikkwabbwabbwobblewobble basses make up for that!
NotAnameYet [be] - 16 years ago
Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago
cool played with those basses
owyea: you probably translated it from "La vie est un wobble" but in english they don't say "the life", so just 'life is a wobble'
sorry for my spelling-bitching :p
LeBelgeElectrod [be] - 16 years ago
et français wobble c'est wobulé je pense, drôle de mot.
Tyronn [be] - 16 years ago
MDeMmA [be] - 16 years ago
HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago
hosmOz [be] - 16 years ago
2 stuff that disapoint me in the track, those cheap trance/dance synth that comes in ( wtf???) and that dnb tipical going up witht the kick doum doumdoumdoumdoudoudoudoudoudodododododododododododo... well plz find something more original...
but definately a track i would jump on!!!keep up the good work
Kyran [be] - 16 years ago
Take some stuff out, give the other elements some air, maybe make a new track with the content you took out. There's so much going on that it takes away from the track, even though it's technically perfect.
Don't get me wrong: it's a good track, but I feel you guys can make future classics.
Gloomer [be] - 16 years ago
HarryPoppins [be] - 16 years ago
en after c encore plus grotesq comm son...
gaat u gaan enquleiren, met u sound ;)
HarryPoppins [be] - 16 years ago
I like dubstep because of the slow dubby bass/rythmline, combined with more complex stufffff
There are some things I dont like about that genre (the repetetivnessssss and simplicity, like skream and benga)
But your sound is way beyond that.. fresh and fat... But maybe a bit tooo variated for the genre.. maybe there's alittle bit too much info for one track.. I dunno.. Im drunk and its NYE
keep on making those fat sounds
you'll love it ;)
ROne [be] - 16 years ago
StorungStelle [be] - 16 years ago
a lot of different noises,
constant variations.
i love the way "it grabs you by the throut and doesn't let you go"-feeling in.
thumb up
particle [be] - 16 years ago
massacre [be] - 16 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 13 years ago