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Bioman - JumpHuruu




DIntoXicated [be] - 16 years ago

Wish I could say a lot of good thingz, but here I guess I'll just give some pointers for you to work on....

Claps are to dry, bass + melody tune to Raw. And the cymbals ... no other way to say it ( sorry :( ) ... they're just bad and even annoying ...

Hope you'll try and change some things and come back with a bette song mate.

Grtz from D-IntoXicated

Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

Look i am sorry but i have to agree with
D-IntoXicated it's really sucky shit
Kick is om te kotse
Clapz are like my momz crappy eggz
Post something good nextime

Khaoz Engine

AnnoM [be] - 16 years ago

don't like it either, sry.
it's way too repetitive, sucky kick indeed, way too dry, no drive at all...
i'd try something less agressive, unless you have a clear sound and a good drive.


Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

ik heb nix tege Crazy agressieve heagbanging shit in tegendeel :D
maar het is echt SLECHT

AcidtKandyboy [be] - 15 years ago

@ my opinion : there sould be more melody in youre music.

Acidt Kandyboy