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visnet - wondering in the forest


mijn eerste goa nummer
klinkt nog nie 100% ma hoor nie echt wa er mis aan is,
heeft er iemand nog een idee wat ik er nog aan kan veranderen ?






bassmonk [be] - 16 years ago

hi, a good first try but indeed some work to do: 1. your kick should be louder, have more impact, right now it's just a waterdrop, 2. add a rolling bassline that's fits your kick, 3. some hihats and percussion are needed, 4. make the main synthmelody more varied by tweaking it and using different melodies.
I donot know much of software but I'd say: start working on a good basic rhythm and bassline, then come up with the synths and leads and pads and stuff. what works good for goe is using an arpeggiator (for those complicated melos) and some delay (echo) on the percussion for instance...anyway you can always directly ask some ebel goa dudes like jeller or transynth , keep it up , good luck , have fun

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

go vinniiiieeeeeee

eudaimonia [be] - 16 years ago

I like the acid under water sounds! but it's to " 1 toonig" and to minimalistic imo

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

nice tune mate