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grim - the discovery


no finished track yet... i think i got all of my elements to tell my story, but there's still some (read much) work on the story itself...
kinda lost were i was going with this track.
so i uploaded it to get some suggestions on the story, the different elements and how they communicate,...

have to work on the mastering, still got some clipping somewhere and i'm having some troubles with getting it out.

so, i hope you enjoy and i really hope you got some suggestions and tips for me



EDIT 1: sudden inspiration for a new (better?)track name :p

EDIT 2: finally gathered the nerve to finish this one. the clipping is gone so i find that to be a victory on itself, added some new elements, finished the structure and screwed around with the vst's and efx...
oh yeah, and i'm sick of the track so i'm putting it in the general section cause i dont wanna put anymore work in this one even though i know there could still be improvements

hope you enjoy and i hope even more to get some kind of response.





Skip [be] - 16 years ago

about the clipping; its often when you use too much low padz, just lowering the low frequencies might help, but youll have to spare some low freq. warmth.
real nice track man.
maybe when the high short notes come back in you could use a different melodie, but not too much different.Its like the last 2 minutes are too much like the first minutes;more variation I'd say.
For tracktitle, Idd take something that sounds organic and ....horizontal...(make sense?)
Something that doesnt mean anything ,so it would stand only for this track, is what I do most of the time.like an originality-mark or something.

grim [be] - 16 years ago

thx a lott a skip, especially what you said about the clipping :)
about the second part and the melodie: i've been working on that yesterday. problem that i experience is that the high tones-melodie creates a sort of mood (according to me) and i dont wanna fuck that one up but i'll have a go at it... somewhere this weekend...

and i think i catch your drift on the track name ;)
thx a lott!

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

I know the feeling on wanting to keep one melody for the mood ;)
and yeah, I usually get most clipping when using low padz with breaks.
Maybe putting a limiter on the master,but that can sometimes change the overall sound...
good luck man

eckhart [be] - 16 years ago

enjoyed it a lot,
a lot of depth which i like
good composition

babbaracos [be] - 16 years ago

hoho nice one! nice tension building.
but indeed not quite finished finished.
don't really have any usefull remarks, maybe some more drum variation, with an extra, heavier kick, and a nice vocal sample.
just leave it for a few months and later return to it, is what i would say

TikkiMasala [be] - 16 years ago

nice sequences and arps
relax athmosphere

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

Ik vond de naam strings in space leuker, maar kvind het ook het leukste liedje, den dikken werd er helemaal rustig bij toen ze net geoppereerd was.
En bij deze hebde eens een positief berichtje van de Nele, juij :)

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

the best song heard on this website ever!!!11!!!

grim [be] - 15 years ago

how, thx :p