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PsyRah - global destruction




Lapsus [be] - 16 years ago

yeah pretty good, but een beetje langdradig , maybe make more variation. but certainly not a bad track!

ShiZen [be] - 15 years ago

bassline misses some mid 200hz-500hz, also too much highpass on percussion. begins very strong, needs a big 'finnish'

Ahimsaka [be] - 15 years ago

I love it. I think its perfect to make the transtition from night music to morning happy melody music at a party.

Jeller [be] - 15 years ago

decent track, needs more structure, variation and better sound

but the idea is nice

BlueSpike [be] - 15 years ago

Not bad, sounds pretty cool, but idd a bit "langdradig" maybe. And the bass doesnt sound too good to me, but that could be my laptop.
I like the space most of the sounds have, makes me think it's being played in a large hall.
Keep up the good work.

psyra [be] - 15 years ago

about the finish: i'm already pushing the limits of my computer in this song (f*kin cpu :) )
the bassline: i don't have prob finding e good bass, i have prob getting the sound right, if somebody can give me some help and tips just pm me you're e-mail and i'll add you on my msn

thnx 4 the "opbouwende" comments

grtz psy-rah

Doompater [be] - 15 years ago

yo psyra , cool song ! well edited sounds , I like the chaotic atmo ! 2.15-3.10 is a very cool lead imo.