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MagneticDragon - Epic Pyramids




NoMansLand [be] - 16 years ago

I love the roughness it has and the dark flow.
The mastering sucks like you said, but that's normal for a first song and to be honest my own mastering sucks worse.
If it had better mastering I would actually really like the song. It's a bit repetitive sometimes, but the nasty feel it has is great :D
BTW, tis Jochen ;)

antares [be] - 16 years ago

Well, it's definetly better hen my first made song :p Post some of your newest i would say! :)

jeineke [be] - 16 years ago

this is song definatly has something very deepmythicaldark in it, makes me move on my chair while I am tired as hell,
keep it up

Erophin [be] - 14 years ago

This was my favorite track of urs i listened too on sound cloud ;) Love it !