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spheria - The beginning


my first song here on ebel under my new name! (hence the songname:-)

Its a full-on song inspired on a few tracks from Digicult

Comments and hints are more then welcome!





antares [be] - 16 years ago

Very nice! The melodies have a oldskool feeling, that's nice in combination with the full-on vibe! Maybe a bit repetetive..
btw: what was your former name?

eudaimonia [be] - 16 years ago

nice Yannis!(hint to antares hierboven)
real nice melodies good sound &sounds good .I like the beginning the most at the end it moves a bit to much in the direction of hadrstyle imo :p reaaaal nice edit: ...it becomes louder at the end ? should that be?

Amonrha [be] - 16 years ago

spheria, your tune rocks !

Technicaly n musicaly goed, rework just a bit the end of that track. the beginning is really cool
! congrats !

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Amazing sound sounds like oldschool
trance acid plates (Underground Files, Axma,...)
Very simple but amazing worked