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DonTimmeh - 24 Hours


Been experimenting with a few more VSTs and attempted to use more automation clips for this track. Hope it worked out well :P Enjoy :)

Comments are welcome!





BlueSpike [be] - 16 years ago

Not bad at all. Though i'm not really sure about the purity of your sound, maybe add some eq, some compression on some pads perhaps.
Also, I don't really like one sound, the one that starts at about 3.30 i think, it changes later in the song, but for me it could change somewhat earlier.
But goe bezig alleszins ^^

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Partially, I loved the beginning, about halfway through the song the bubble bop em noises didn't fit quite right.


Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

good work don very good
